Updating My Blog Roll

My Picks from the 
7th Annual Blawg 100

In December, the ABA Journal published its 7th Annual Blawg 100 issue listing those law blogs it identifies as hosted by dedicated, creative, and engaged bloggers. Polls closed for voting on the current list, but I've used it to update my blog roll.

One of the unanticipated benefits of having a blog is the opportunity to build a blog roll. Postings on the blogs I track keep me inspired and up-to-date.  I also hope the list gives you a quick way to link to some of the top law bloggers that may be of interest to you.

So, here are the blogs I'm adding:

  • Arbitration Nation
  • Dewey B Strategic
  • JD Careers Out There
  • Jotwell
  • Law School Cafe
  • The Legal Watercooler
  • The Legal Whiteboard
  • Real Lawyers Have Blogs
  • Small Firm Innovation
  • Technology & Marketing Law Blog

And, I am dropping nine blogs from the roll.  After a year of tracking them, I find that I did not like the quality of the content, the infrequent posting, or the focus that did not align with my current interests.  I dropped several blogs relating to litigation or appellate practice.  They just don't hold that much interest for me these days despite my background as a commercial litigator.

Instead, I focus on law firm marketing; technology and the law; and small and solo firm management.  I continue to track blogs commenting on the current state of the legal field and the challenges law students and prospective law students face in choosing a school and in planning a career path.  I also have a soft spot for anything related to ADR, although most of my favorite ADR-related blogs don't make the ABA Journal list. I'll start working on that.

Dropped from the roll:

  • Fox Test Prep
  • How Appealing
  • Leave Law Behind
  • Legal Writing Prof Blog
  • Ms JD
  • The Girl's Guide to Law School
  • The Jury Room
  • The Official Findlaw Blog
  • Verdict


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