Quiet Community Care Among Impoverished Communities Having lived in the central Appalachian Mountains for 13 years, I saw this community support. Terra Vance - Marked Melungeon September 9, 2023 · I’m going to attempt to put something to words that is unlike anything I’ve ever seen put to words. Maybe it’s been done, but I’ve not seen it. Please bear with my clumsiness. I am going to attempt to characterize the cultural differences of the Generationally Poor for the benefit of the ever-growing broke. Being Poor is wildly different from being broke. I believe that the broke could save themselves generations of trial-and-error by learning from the Poor, so I am going to attempt to translate some nearly-extinct Old Ways. We did not ever say any of this out loud. It was just inherent to the culture and is largely absent elsewhere. Broke and Poor: Being broke is a temporary condition that has a simple fix (getting money), and broke people generally live simil...
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Two Aspirational Words for 2024 Almost every year, for a decade, I've chosen a word for the year representing my overall aspiration. I did miss a couple of years, including 2021 and 2022. I think my transition to retirement interrupted my usual year-end planning process. But, I'm ready to declare my aspirational word for 2024. Actually, I've picked two words. Christine Kane, the entrepreneurial coach I used for three years, suggested the use of one word. Her selection tool is no longer available, it seems. But, she discusses the concept here . Chris Brogan chooses three words for each year. Here are his selections for 2023. He uses them to positively guide his actions in the coming year. Should he commit to this project? Does it align with his three words? The words should inspire action. He lists seven rules for picking the words. And, he encourages you to review them daily. I am picking t...
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16/16 An Analysis of UAE's Commercial Mediation Law, Federal Law No. 6 of 2021, Miscellaneous Provisions In this last post, I'll cover a couple of miscellaneous provisions that I have not discussed in earlier posts. Private Mediation Centers Article 25 of the UAE Commercial Mediation Law allows the creation of a private mediation center or branches of foreign mediation centers according to the requirements of the Ministry of Justice and in coordination with local judicial authorities. These regulators will designate the operating conditions, licensing requirements and the licensing authorities, and registration of the mediators within the centers. Repeal of Inconsistent Laws Article 28 makes clear that any provisions of other laws that contradict the UAE Commercial Mediation Law shall be repealed. Also, this reminder: The 2021 law has now been replaced by Federal Decree-Law No. 40/2023 On Mediation and Conciliation in Civil and Commercial Disputes, ...
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15/n An Analysis of UAE's Commercial Mediation Law, Federal Law No. 6 of 2021, Mediator Misconduct Background I n 2006, I published a book-length article analyzing grievances filed against mediators in five U.S. states with robust complaint systems. See Paula M. Young, Take it or Leave it. Lump it or Grieve it: Designing Mediator Complaint Systems that Protect Mediators, Unhappy Parties, Attorneys, Courts, the Process, and the Field , 21 Ohio St. J. Disp. Resol. 721 (2006), available here . The following background discussion is taken from that article. I have not included the numerous citations. In the article, I noted that studies show that sixty-five to eighty-two percent of parties to family mediation viewed their mediators as “warm, sympathetic, and sensitive to feelings.” They found them “helpful in standing up for their rights in disagreements with spouses; staying focused on the important issues; and having clear and suffici...