New Year's Resolutions: The Tricks I Use for Staying on Track

Be Like Jerry Seinfeld As I get older, I think I get better at keeping promises to myself, although as a 7 on the enneagram , it is never easy. As a 7, I run from the pain. I search for more immediate pleasures rather than the pleasures achieved by meeting a long-term goal. Some of the promises I want to keep this year are to: Complete two law review articles for publication. Exercise four times a week with my accountability buddy, Heidi. Blog at least once a week. Complete research on the status of ADR in the Arab Gulf region. Eat and drink more mindfully in a way that supports my health. Save more money now that I am through my transition to Doha. Learn to speak Arabic. I need a few gimmicks (aka strategies) to help me keep those promises. I've collected many of them in a book I like to call my coaching journal. It keeps the highlights from various self-help books I have read since moving to Doha. Right now, it houses tips...