Week 4: The Fun Begins

Meeting with the "Partner" This week I began distributing to students legal memos on "firm" letterhead. The firm name is: Suliman, Alwahaibi & Young, LL.C. The first memo, one of three to date, described my initial meeting with the "clients," Fatma and Mohammed Alhamad. They own a specialty chocolate shop at three different locations in Doha. A competitor is using the same trade name and a similar logo. The trade name is "The Chocolate Drops." The second memo provided some background information on the competitor and the competing product line, store, trade name, and trademark. The third memo asked the students, playing the role of "junior associates," to attend a meeting with me, playing the law firm "partner." You see, I need to give them their legal research and writing assignments. Next week, the will get another memo from the "senior associate," Maryam, who will describe the ...