Debate Continues About the Value of a Law Degree

As you know, I have followed the debate between the authors of the report -- The Economic Value of a Law Degree -- and the author of a book -- Failing Law Schools (FLS) . I thought we were about done with the back and forth, but now it seems the author of FLS , the Law Professor at Washington University School of Law, Brian Tamanaha, has gotten help from a member of his faculty. The story appears here . Tamanaha has targeted a group of expensive ($40,000+/per year), mostly California law schools, that also have low employment stats when you look only at the category of full-time jobs requiring bar passage. I've discussed how to understand the reported employment numbers here . In the end, I agree that prospective students should carefully consider the decision to go to law school. They should carefully adopt a strategy that gets them the best education possible at a reasonable cost. I discuss one possible strategy here . And yes...