The Opposite of Success is not Failure

Fixed vs. Growth Mindsets Today, Tom Asacker provides a nice discussion of why the opposite of success is not failure. Instead, failure leads to success because it gives us lessons, insights, and opportunities to change. With that new information, we are better positioned to succeed. He suggests that failure leads to success in the same way that exercise leads to fitness. A second blogger today discussed the criteria Google uses to hire employees. It looks for three things: cognitive processing and problem-solving on the fly; emergent leadership; and a sense of responsibility that leads to humility and ownership. Both posts reminded me of the book I read last month by Carol S. Dweck, a world-renowned Stanford psychologist, called: Mindset: The New Psychology of Success -- How We Can Learn to Fulfill Our Potential (2007). It describes two mindsets -- fixed and growth. The publisher describes the theme of the book as this: ...