My Mom Whacked Me a Good One!

Reading on the Sly as a Kid I am not sure my Dad knows this about me. As a kid, I was always reading on the sly. When I was in grade school, I saved some of my allowance to buy a small flashlight. I used it to read books under the covers after my parents forced me to bed. I shared a room with my brother, Greg, so I assume I waited until he fell asleep. I am sure I read for at least an hour after bedtime. As I got older, I would sneak from my bedroom to the bathroom to read by the nightlight. This habit might explain my poor vision today. When I heard my parents starting to come up the steps, I'd hurry back to my room. On some nights, I'd find that my feet had fallen to sleep while sitting on the tile floor under the weak light. Then I'd have to hobble to my unsteady feet and pretend that I was using the toilet. One time, mom came up the steps too quickly to give me enough time to cover my secret reading habit. ...