Student Organizations: The ASL Jug Band (aka Grun D MC)

The Appalachian School of Law Jug Band ASL has its very own house band that plays at Heritage Hall, the local nursing home, at least once a month. This community service opportunity brightens the lives of band members, the nursing home's patients, and its staff. The performance provides a much anticipated and appreciated social event for the residents, many of whom are wheel-chair bound, frail, or suffering with mental disabilities. The band also provides entertainment at law school events, including the annual pig roast, the BLSA Apollo Night , and "Jugs Over Grundy." It also appears at local venues like the Serendipity Cafe (The Dip). Help Needed! The Jug Band experienced almost a 100 percent turnover in personnel after the graduation of the 2013 class. Accordingly, it needs new members who sing, play an instrument (any kind), would like to learn an instrument (the band has quite a selection of percussion items), or would ...