Waiting in Line in Thailand: Cultural Norm Clash

An Asian Thing? A Chinese Thing? Because I am planning retirement in Thailand in the summer of 2020, I am now a member of several Facebook groups formed by English-speaking expats living in Thailand. One member posted this inquiry: Several people I know, including myself, have been “cut” in line when it’s clear (from our perspective) that we are next in line to be served— Whether this be at 7-Eleven, the coffee shop, or the French fry truck at the pool. Like, we will be waiting patiently when suddenly someone will just cut, order, and get served before us. It’s baffling, because in America, that’s a huge, rude no-no. So we wonder, Are we cue-ing incorrectly? Like should we be more assertive with the server so they (and everyone else) know we are next? Could it be a micro-aggression toward foreigners? Could it be a general lack of awareness of some people...? Has anybody else had this experience? Do you know why?! 😂 The ...