Leading in a Connected, More Empathic -- Dare I Say, Feminine -- World

Declare our Inter-dependence Last night, while I was ironing linen blouses, I watched a Netflix film called Connected . Written and created by Webby Awards founder, Tiffany Shlain, it was an oddly organized musing about what it means to be connected in the 21st century. Her discussion of disappearing honeybees and the intentional killing of sparrows showed graphically how we are connected at a fundamental biological level. Her stories about the important role her neurologist father played in her life spoke to family connections, that for her, extended back to Russian pogroms against Jews. She wove the news about his brain cancer in with her story about her pregnancy with twins, -- who came later in her reproductive life through fertility medicine after a successful birth and then five miscarriages. She talked about her early interest in something that would later be the World Wide Web, and the role it might play in making feminist dreams of work-life balance real...