Distinguished Alumnus: District Court Judge W. David McFayden III

Distinguished Alumni of the Appalachian School of Law: District Court Judge W. David McFayden III W. David (Dave) McFayden III provides another example of the quick rise to leadership, power, and responsibility many of the alumni of the Appalachian School of Law experience. A 2005 graduate of the law school, in 2012, Dave ran against an incumbent judge to win the position of District Court Judge in the North Carolina 3B Judicial District. He serves the people of Craven, Caeteret, and Pamlico counties. North Carolina District Court Judges serve for four years and must reside in the district in which they are elected. The District Court Judge hears both civil and criminal cases, most typically cases involving amounts in controversy of $10,000 or less. The District Court also hears domestic relations cases involving alimony, child support, child custody, divorce, and equitable distribution. Juvenile matters also fall within the jurisdicti...