Lawyer's Duty of Competence Extends to Technology

It's Not Enough to Keep Abreast of Changes in the Substantive Law Robert Ambrogie, blogger at LawSites, lists the 10 Most Important Legal Technology Developments of 2013 . Two entries on the list especially caught my eye. The first entry discusses the ethical obligation to be competent in the use of technology. The second entry discusses increasing efforts by some law schools to teach students about the use of technology in law practice. 3. Competence in technology turned from dalliance to necessity. In August 2012, the American Bar Association voted to amend the Model Rules of Professional Conduct to make clear that lawyers have a duty to be competent in technology . Specifically, the ABA voted to amend the comment to Model Rule 1.1, governing lawyer competence, to say that, in addition to keeping abreast of changes in the law and its practice, a lawyer should keep abreast of “the benefits and risks associated with relevant...