Student Organizations: The Black Law Students Association

The Black Law Students Association of the Appalachian School of Law I am using this week to profile organizations I would describe as affinity groups based on race, gender, sexual orientation, or religious beliefs and values. I'll focus today on the Black Law Students Association of the Appalachian School of Law. Students at ASL founded the chapter early in the history of the law school. National Affiliate As background, the national affiliate of this local chapter -- the National Black Law Students Association arose in 1968. It has over 200 chapters and nearly 6,000 members, and so, is the largest student organization in the U.S. It sponsors two competitions in honor of distinguished African-Americans: The Frederick Douglass Moot Court Competition and the Thurgood Marshall Mock Trial Competition. It also sponsors the Nelson Mandela International Negotiations Competition. The NBLSA offers regional career fairs and hosts int...