My "Absolute Yes" List

Identifying Priorities and Giving me Firm Grounds to Say "No" Several years ago, I read Cheryl Richardson's " Take Time for Your Life ." One big take-a-way was her use of an Absolute Yes list. She encouraged me to list my top five priorities. If someone asks me to do something, I will say "no" to the request if it does not relate to my Absolute Yes list. You can say "no" gently , but you now have a good reason in your own mind for saying "no." You are standing in your power . Some of the many blog posts describing the use of this list are here , here , and here . I recently updated my list. I have posted it on a whiteboard in my office (not on a 3-by-5 index card as some suggest). Here it is: Scholarship: Edit a collection of essays for a book entitled: " The Arab Gulf Crisis: Legal Consequences and Solutions ." Finish the footnotes on an article about malpractice insurance for mediators. ...