Claim Your Genius-Level Success, Abundance, Love, and Creative Energy

Only two weeks to the July bar exam. Will our 2013 graduates take the big leap? My business coach recommended that I read, The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks, which suggests ways to conquer your hidden fear that prevents you from keeping and enjoying greater love, financial abundance, increasing success, and more creative energy. You can find more information at Hendricks is a psychologist, writer, and practitioner in the field of personal growth, relationships, and the mind-body connection. He has written 25 books, taught at University of Colorado, has a consulting business, and graduated from Stanford University. The Upper Limit Problem He uses the term “Upper Limit Problem” to identify our tendency to follow great leaps forward on all these dimensions with big mess-ups. We subconsciously use the mess-ups to keep us in our comfort zone when increasing success is taking us to new areas of personal growth and...