ABA Law Practice Management Section

I recently joined the ABA's Law Practice Management Section in an effort to support our graduates who will start solo practices because of the lack of opportunity in law firms and other traditional employers of lawyers in this recessionary economy. I blogged about the day-long solo practice workshop the Appalachian School of Law offered this past spring here . I blogged about the employment prospects for new grads here , here , and here . This past week, I received the section's welcome packet and its May/June 2013 issue of the Law Practice Magazine. The section focuses on the following four core areas: marketing, management, technology, and finance. It provides section members with six issues of its "award-winning" hard-copy magazine, a monthly webzine, a bimonthly e-newsletter, and a legal technology blog. It also focuses on the challenges women face as rainmakers and sells an impressive collection of books. The May/June issu...