
Showing posts with the label Elizabeth Gilbert

New Year's Resolutions: The Tricks I Use for Staying on Track

Be Like Jerry Seinfeld As I get older, I think I get better at keeping promises to myself, although as a 7 on the enneagram , it is never easy. As a 7, I run from the pain.  I search for more immediate pleasures rather than the pleasures achieved by meeting a long-term goal. Some of the promises I want to keep this year are to: Complete two law review articles for publication. Exercise four times a week with my accountability buddy, Heidi. Blog at least once a week. Complete research on the status of ADR in the Arab Gulf region. Eat and drink more mindfully in a way that supports my health. Save more money now that I am through my transition to Doha. Learn to speak Arabic. I need a few gimmicks (aka strategies) to help me keep those promises. I've collected many of them in a book I like to call my coaching journal.  It keeps the highlights from various self-help books I have read since moving to Doha. Right now, it houses tips...

Attitudes About Living a Creative Life

Devotion to the Work I've been sharing some of my favorite quotes from Elizabeth Gilbert's new book:  Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear  (2015).  These quotes explore attitudes about doing the work: Measure your work by your dedication to your path. Focus on the devotion to my creative work.  That is how to measure my worth.  I only have control over my discipline. Just say what you want to say, then say it with all your heart. Write a book to entertain yourself, not to help someone else. Create whatever causes a revolution in your heart. Work on your craft every day with steady discipline and love. Make absolutely whatever you want to make.  It's nobody's business but your own. Write with the fealty of a holy pilgrim. Frustration is not an interruption of the process.  Frustration is the process. Mere completion is an honorable achievement in its own right.  What's more, it's a rare one. Rele...