
Showing posts with the label Missouri Rule 17

Wisely Choosing a Mediator: Factors to Consider

Most states do not license or certify mediators.  They do not require a minimum level of training, continuing education, background checks, or character and fitness reviews.  In most states, a person who has lost his or her professional license in one area can nonetheless (and easily) open shop as a mediator.  Most states do not have standards of ethics that apply to all mediators and no grievance procedure allowing a client who believes something has gone terribly wrong in the mediation to report the wrongdoing.  Most states do not have the authority to sanction or otherwise prevent the activities of rogue mediators. A few states have standards of ethics and some entry barriers to the profession consisting primarily of minimum training requirements.  In Missouri , a person can become a “Rule 17 qualified” mediator with less time spent in training than he or she spent watching TV the same week.  But even these ethics rules and modest training require...