12/16 An Analysis of Qatar’s Mediation Law No. 20 of 2021, Confidentiality in Mediation, Part 2: Many Unanswered Questions In my last post , I set out a framework for analyzing statutes or rules governing confidentiality in mediation. I will use it to analyze the Qatar Mediation Law. Articles 23, 24, 30, 31, and 32 of the Qatar Mediation Law govern confidentiality in mediation. I will consider: Who is the holder of the privilege who may prevent the disclosure of confidential information? In what subsequent proceedings will confidentiality prevail? What is confidential? What is exempted from confidentiality? Who can enforce confidentiality? Against whom can confidentiality be enforced? How absolute should the grant of confidentiality be? What is the penalty for wrongful disclosure? Who holds the privilege? Article 1 defines "Parties" as: "The parties to the dispute who have agreed to settle it by mediation, whether natural or legal persons w...