Respecting, But Managing Fear --- Wisdom from Elizabeth Gilbert and Elaine Bailey-Anderson At a time when our already hectic and stressful lives breed chronic anxiety about work and home, we are now facing new fears tied to the global pandemic of COVID-19 . Recently, one of my former coaches from Christine Kain 's UpLevel coaching program offered her insight to managing fear. It was so great, I asked for permission to share it here. From Elaine Bailey-Anderson, CoachBrilliant : Whenever things get scary, or I get frightened I write a letter to my fear. Then I burn it to release my attachment to it. I learned this from Elizabeth Gilbert ❤️ She also suggests that if you are feeling extra fearful then give fear a chance to express itself first and be with it - Allow your fear to write a letter to YOU before you write one back. Take a moment to surrender to your fear and ask it: “What are you actually terrified about, in this s...