How To Manifest your Desires by Making a Vision Board

Planning my Third Act and my Transition from Qatar to Thailand Using Vision Boards As I plan my international move from Qatar to Thailand for my third act as a retiree, I have used a number of planning tools. I describe them here , here , here , and here . I picked a word for the year: Transition. I reflected on the goal setting words I chose for 2019. Had they worked? I listed all the things I did in 2019. All 108 of them. And, using the Sunday Summits for 2019, I closed the loops on pending projects. In June 2019, I created a vision board to help me get through my last year as a Clinical Professor of Law at Qatar University College of Law. As an organizing technique, I used the nine quadrants of the Feng Shui Bagua Map. The vision board included: financial goals and tasks, the need to update my internet presence to reflect a change in location and employment, rec...