Nine-Month Post-Grad Employment Rates Don't Tell the Whole Story

Recently, Above the Law decided to develop its own law school ranking system based on employment rates nine months after graduation. For the list of top ten schools look here . I especially like the first comment to that story. This list clearly fails to recognize that most students will not have the GPA and LSAT scores to get admitted to the law schools Above the Law ranks at the top of its list. Moreover, the list covers only the top 50 schools, leaving about 150 ABA-accredited schools out of the analysis. See here . My last post here discussed how the reported employment numbers could mislead a prospective student. This new ranking system reflects only the last category of numbers I discussed: full-time, long-term, bar-required employment within nine months after graduation. I am not the only law school professor frustrated with the coverage these numbers get. Brian Leiter of the University of Chicago has...