Being a Thankful Lawyer, No Matter the Firm Size

Being a Thankful Lawyer, No Matter the Firm Size The Attorney at Work blog this week reminds us to "bloom where we are planted." Each firm practice setting -- solo, small firm, and big firm -- offers practitioners many opportunities to be thankful. Blogger Merrilyn Astin Tarlton reminds us that: In a Solo Practice You can dress and decorate how you please. No one is going to question your choice of socks or hair color (what purple streak?) or office accessory — even if it’s a Pomeranian. It’s a simple matter to change your mind and do things differently for a while. You don’t have to be a systems engineer to know what’s going on. It’s all happening within arm’s reach. A person can get a little peace and quiet around there. You don’t have to wait for other people to make up their minds about how much money you can take home. Firm name? A no-brainer. You can run like the wind and stop on a dime. In a Small Firm You can say “Good morning” to every pers...