Using Your Super Power and Being Indispensable.

As part of my summer concentration on books written by Seth Godin, I recently read his 2010 Linchpin: Are You Indispensable? It ties to many of the themes I summarized in my post, “Leaning In” as a Woman Lawyer , found here . Godin argues that with so many means of direct communication with so many different “tribes” in a hyper-competitive world, each one of us can make an indispensable contribution, as a linchpin, to a business, art, project, or something we care deeply about. You have the choice of being indispensable. Just make it. He defines linchpins as the “people who own their own means of production, who can make a difference, lead us, and connect us.” “The linchpin is an individual who can walk into chaos and create order, someone who can invent, connect, create, and make things happen. Every worthwhile institution has indispensable people who make differences like these.” They are artists and givers of gifts. T...