Ill-Considered Rush To Re-Design Legal Education?

Protect Experiential Learning in Law School -- Let the Market Solve the Problems Two well-respected legal scholars, who also write frequently about how to teach law, offered an op-ed piece in The New York Times , entitled: Don't Skip on Legal Training . Erwin Chermerinsky and Carrie Menkel-Meadow open the conversation by providing this context: Legal education, like all education, can certainly be improved, but the widely made claims of a “crisis” are exaggerated and do not reflect the contributions legal education makes to achieving justice and well-being for many in the world. In January, an American Bar Association Task Force on the Future of Legal Education declared that it had rushed to release its report because “the urgency of the problem and the serious threats to public confidence demanded rapid action.” This crisis mentality is not only unfounded, but is also creating pressure for reforms that would make legal education worse, not better. The ...