December LSAT Takers Lowest Number Since 1987

And, the Number of Applicants Tends to Track the Number of LSAT Takers. So . . . . LSAC has now posted data on the number of LSATs administered at the December 2013 sitting. As a commenter to a Faculty Lounge posting here , known as "Former Law Review Editor," notes: "Only 28,363 people took the December 2013 LSAT." I blogged about the historical data here . For another summary of the historical data, by LSATs administered, look here . The recap: Date of Administration/Number of Takers Dec. 2013/28,363 Dec. 2012/30,226 Dec. 2011/35,825 Dec. 2010/42,096 Dec. 2009/50,444 (highest since 1987 when LSAC began keeping these records) Dec. 2008/43,646 You have to go back to 1997 to see this low level of Dec. LSAT takers (then, 29,879 takers). It has never been lower since LSAC began keeping (or at least publishing) data on LSAT takers in 1987. Jan.13, 2014 Update: From the same comment thread by...