Standing in my Power

This week, I held my last Board meeting as President of the Virginia Mediation Network (VMN). It was a bittersweet moment giving me a chance to reflect back on all we had accomplished and the chance to say: "What's next!" I remember the first meeting I conducted as VMN President, in October 2012. I arrived frazzled and exhausted after staying up most of the night reading all the copies I could assemble of the minutes of past-Board meetings. I was trying to find the loose threads that I might need to follow or tie up. Then I turned my attention to my Dad's very old, yellow-stained, version of the Robert's Rules of Order that he had used as President of some professional organization a long time ago. I was trying to learn how to conduct the meeting the next day. I was overwhelmed, but worked hard to be ready for the trust my tribe had placed in me. As part of that personal growth of trusting myself and earning the trust of my tribe, I had: Attended a...