JD Advantage, Legal Temp, and Document Review Jobs

Law Grads in Legal Temp Agency Jobs The ABA has picked up the story on job equilibrium that I started here and expanded this month here , here , and here . The first comment posted to the ABA article reads: "Low-paying, monotonous doc review jobs for everyone…the sooner the better!" In that story line, I promised to follow up on two concerns expressed by scambloggers about the JD Advantage jobs. I said: Scambloggers have expressed great concern about the number of graduates finding employment through legal temp agencies and as paid employees of law schools. The comment to the ABA article shows that this concern continues to exist. Analyzing the Data. What Data? So, how many grads, nine months out of law school, held positions as legal temps? I'm guessing most of these grads engaged in document review projects -- either associated with litigation discovery or transactional due diligence review. NALP first began tracking...