
Showing posts with the label veterans

ASL's Latest TV Ad Focuses on Veterans as Students

Appalachian School of Law Welcomes Veterans A new television commercial for the law school will air locally over the next few weeks on WCYB Channel 5, the NBC affiliate in Bristol, and WEMT, the Fox affiliate in NE Tennessee. This commercial focuses on veterans.  It features one of our current student-veterans, Irina Dan McGarry, ’14.  Lieutenant Dan did a great job, as you can see for yourself:    For those who want the full TV experience, here is the broadcast schedule for tomorrow, Friday, February 28: WCYB-TV 619 am 1118 am 1206 pm 230 pm 344 pm 509 pm 1106 pm 1141 pm WEMT (Fox) 528 pm 1024 pm News I want to thank Trustee Joe Wolfe for making this opportunity possible.  

Student Organizations: The Hamilton Society

The Appalachian School of Law Hamilton Society No government could give us tranquility and happiness at home which did not possess sufficient stability and strength to make us respectable abroad.” ALEXANDER HAMILTON Speech at the Constitutional Convention,  June 29, 1787 This student organization, founded in 2006, serves military veterans, current service members, families of service personnel, and veterans' organizations.  It seeks to support a link between duty to country and our legal system. I have a great interest in this organization even though I never served in the military.  I did, however, provide pro bono legal services to Viet Nam veterans who suffered from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder shortly after the Veterans Benefits Administration  recognized PTSD as a compensable military injury.   The diagnosis of PTSD first appeared in the third edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders in 1980.  Shor...