
Showing posts with the label community
  Quiet Community Care Among Impoverished Communities Having lived in the central Appalachian Mountains for 13 years, I saw this community support. Terra Vance - Marked Melungeon   September 9, 2023    Â·  I’m going to attempt to put something to words that is unlike anything I’ve ever seen put to words. Maybe it’s been done, but I’ve not seen it. Please bear with my clumsiness. I am going to attempt to characterize the cultural differences of the Generationally Poor for the benefit of the ever-growing broke. Being Poor is wildly different from being broke. I believe that the broke could save themselves generations of trial-and-error by learning from the Poor, so I am going to attempt to translate some nearly-extinct Old Ways. We did not ever say any of this out loud. It was just inherent to the culture and is largely absent elsewhere. Broke and Poor: Being broke is a temporary condition that has a simple fix (getting money), and broke people generally live simil...