Student Organizations: ASL Softball Team

The Appalachian School of Law Softball Team The Appalachian School of Law Softball Team (ASLST) has two purposes: To organize and run the ASLST for the benefit and enjoyment of all the members of the ASL community who wish to participate; and To organize and run the ASLST, which participates in the Annual University of Virginia School of Law Softball Invitational in Charlottesville, VA. The current members of the ASLST choose new members twice a year. Members must be students (and not alumni) and they pay an annual dues of $10. While the organization's Constitution contains a non-discrimination clause, it still reserves the right to base selections for this athletic team based on the ability to perform the activities related to the group's purpose. The Executive Officers choose the final team roster for the tournaments. They consider skill, ability, attitude, participation, and team need. The organization has two r...