16/16 An Analysis of Qatar’s Mediation Law No. 20 of 2021, Mediator Misconduct Background I n 2006, I published a book-length article analyzing grievances filed against mediators in five U.S. states with robust complaint systems. See Paula M. Young, Take it or Leave it. Lump it or Grieve it: Designing Mediator Complaint Systems that Protect Mediators, Unhappy Parties, Attorneys, Courts, the Process, and the Field , 21 Ohio St. J. Disp. Resol. 721 (2006), available here . The following background discussion is taken from that article. I have not included the numerous citations. In the article, I noted that studies show that sixty-five to eighty-two percent of parties to family mediation viewed their mediators as “warm, sympathetic, and sensitive to feelings.” They found them “helpful in standing up for their rights in disagreements with spouses; staying focused on the important issues; and having clear and sufficient information for decisionmaking.” But, ...