Arbitrators and "Reasoned Awards" - Smarter Tools, Inc. v. Chongqing SENCI Import & Export Trade Co Commentary and analysis from Professor SI Strong, University of Missouri School of Law: One of my students called the following case - Smarter Tools, Inc. v. Chongqing SENCI Import & Export Trade Co ., 2019 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 50633 (S.D.N.Y. Mar. 26, 2019) – to my attention, and I thought some of you might be interested in it as well (I don’t believe I’ve seen it circulated here yet). The issue involved whether the arbitral award was sufficiently reasoned. According to the court, reasoned awards are not required in arbitration, but if the parties contract for such an award, as they did here, they are entitled to receive such a document. Upon review, the court found that the arbitrator in this case provided the parties a "barely colorable justification" for his decision, leading the court to hold that the award did not meet the ne...