25-Year Law Practice Employment Trends: Solo, Small Firm, BigLaw, or Someplace in Between?

I graduated from law school in 1982. At that time, 7.6 percent of new law graduates became solo practitioners; 40.3 percent entered small law practices (2-10 lawyers); about 11 percent entered firms 51 to 100 lawyers in size; only 15. 6 percent of new law grads entered large firms of 101 plus lawyers, and more women did that than men; and NALP, the Association of Legal Career Professionals, did not keep a separate category for firms with more than 500 lawyers. See trend report here . According to an earlier trend report , in 1982, about 10 percent of new law grads entered business and industry. About 23,000 students graduated from law school in 1982. Fast forward to 2007, the year of record employment among lawyers, NALP reports that: 3 percent of new law grads became solo practitioners (a 4 percent drop); about 33 percent entered small law practices (2-10 lawyers) (a 13 percent drop); about 6 percent entered f...