Week 9: The CREAC Test

Heads Down and Do Your Own Work! That's what I tell my College of Law Students as we shift to more independent writing in my Legal Research & Writing I course. Through Week 8, we slowly build the scaffold for this independent work with case briefs, exercises, and sample writings. Last year at this time, I was not so enthusiastic about the work ethic of my male students. Almost half the class was not prepared to handle this challenging course in a second language. Several students tried to close the gap with attempts at cheating. But this year, the students are far more mature (many have jobs and families) and most of them have pretty good English-language skills. The students with very good language skills lead discussions and set the pace. I am very proud of Hamad, Abdullaziz (both of you), Mohammed (several of you), Awad, Amer, Fahad, Hadi, Hussein, Saoud, Walid, Khalid, and Jaber (and his "Egyptain lawyer" tutor). ...