Week 5: The Professor Learns Some Lessons

Working Harder to Create Student Engagement Qatar University has a very rigorous faculty evaluation program. Once a year, we must upload a boat load of class-related data to a platform called Digital Measures. The grousing among faculty members during this "upload" week is extensive, me included. As part of the process, we must submit a reflection on the past year -- something I enjoy. We also must submit a plan for professional development in the coming year. This year I promised to use the peer-evaluation process offered by OFID (Office of Faculty and Instructional Development). Dr. Chris Stryker typically makes these class room visits and evaluations. Chris, an American with a long history at QU, was great in providing feedback, both in writing and in our conversation after class. I am thankful that most of the feedback was very positive. But he dinged me on creating student engagement. "Ask more, tell less!," as his evaluation notes say...