Reading List for Freaks

Entrepreneurs as Freaks? Chris Brogan, whose blog I follow daily, is promoting his latest book , The Freaks Shall Inherit the Earth: Entrepreneurship for Weirdos, Misfits, and World Dominators. He also offered this reading list "for freaks" that looks very interesting. Ender’s Game . Forget the movie. This is how to think differently. Escape from Cubicle Nation . A classic. A must. Everything I Know – if you know Paul Jarvis , he’s a freak. No really. Everything that Remains . If you’re not following the Minimalists, you need to rectify that. Choose Yourself . Not only is James Altucher quoted and interviewed frequently in relationship to this book, he’s one of the most successful freaks I know. Unlabel . Learn to be a freak from one who has made over a billion dollars from being himself. I Shouldn’t Be Telling You This . Still have to work for the man? Kate White’s brilliant. She’s a ninja of what to know. The In Between . Not...