Back to School: Welcoming our Bright and Ambitious 1L Students
I can't even remember my first day of law school. I hope that we made the first day far more memorable for our incoming 1Ls. Our lovely and wonderful new Dean Lucy McGough greeted them and introduced the faculty and staff. Then Virginia Supreme Court Justice Donald W. Lemmons , having made the long drive from Richmond, gave a story-filled speech on professionalism that inspired the new students. Then, students -- dressed in professional attire --stood to take the Oath of Professionalism. Yes, we quickly begin to admit them to our "tribe." Students "acknowledge[d] the privileges granted by society to the legal profession" and "promise[d] to uphold the highest standards of academic honesty and ethical practice." They also promised to "embrace civility and professionalism." They promised to conduct themselves with dignity and respect the dignity of others in both their private and professional lives. They agreed t...