Getting to Yes with Yourself and Other Worthy Opponents

How is Your Own Stuff Affecting the Negotiation? Bill Ury has published a new book : Getting to Yes with Yourself and Other Worthy Opponents . I've not read it yet. But, as the big storm of 2015 began dropping snowflakes on Grundy, I watched an hour-long video featuring Ury at a Google-sponsored event during which he describes the book, tells several stories as examples, and engages the audience in a discussion and a role-play. First, I do love the "getting" series of books. I've read them all. I have assigned Getting to Yes to all my students over the last thirteen years of my teaching career. In another week, my current students will start reading it. I use Getting Disputes Resolved in my Arbitration seminar, partly because it refers to a labor dispute in a coal mine located not far from the Appalachian School of Law. I also use it because it was one of the first books written on dispute resolution s...