The Content Marketing Lessons Taught by an Extreme Body Modifier, Christine Kane, and K.T. Vandyke

Content Marketing, the "Long Tail," and Your Legal "Tribe" Last spring, I helped teach our law students about starting a solo practice. I taught the session on marketing a law practice. One thing I tried to do was update the so-called "old-fashioned" legal marketing techniques for a more web-based/technology-based strategy. Christine Kane, Gold Mastermind, and Up Level Your Business If we offer it again this spring, I could provide even more valuable advice for 3Ls because of the path I've been on this past year as a member of the Gold Mastermind training offered by Christine Kane through her Up Level Your Business coaching programs. One thing I said last year, that I would repeat this year is this. We now have cheap ways to find our "tribe" and then provide members of that tribe with high quality content that does several things: Positions you as an expert in an area of law; Let's you tell your story in a mean...