8/n An Analysis of UAE’s Commercial Mediation Law, Federal Law No. 6 of 2021, Party Self-Determination, Part 4: Mediator Influence, Process Design, and Party Control Over the Process In my last post here , I discussed a framework, developed by Prof. Leonard Riskin , for considering issues of party self-determination and the extent of mediator influence in the process design and process choices. In two earlier posts here and here , I considered party self-determination over substantive issues arising in the mediation, as well as high-quality decision-making about the outcome in the context of the UAE Commercial Mediation Law, a copy of which is available here . As I noted in my earlier post, m any steps in the mediation process invite input from the parties or their lawyers. But, the program design or the interventions of a mediator can undermine that procedural self-determination. The following list provides some o...