The 12th Al Jazeera Forum: Opening Session

The Gulf, the Arabs, and the World Amid Current Developments On April 28-29, 2018, Al Jazeera held its 12th Forum providing an opportunity for leading scholars and other experts to discuss a variety of topics affecting the Arab world. The website for the forum, @aljazeeraform , provides additional information and links to the videos of each session. You can follow the Twitter coverage at #AJForum . I strongly recommend this event. I attended all the sessions over two days. (You will likely see me in some of the video shots.) Over several posts, I plan to summarize the presentations made at the conference. I will be working from my notes, so I apologize in advance if I incorrectly paraphrase the remarks of any speaker. I was also reliant on the quality of the translation services and their audibility. Accordingly, I am happy to make any needed edits. For summaries of the other sessions see: Session 1...