MAPLA Conference in St. Louis Missouri

Conference of the Midwest Association of Pre-Law Advisors This week, I've been attending the conference of the Midwest Association of Pre-law Advisors (MAPLA) held this year in my home town of St. Louis, Missouri. I have continued to blog on this conference so check my postings in November. Three things have really impressed me. First, the pre-law advisors clearly express a strong desire to help their students make the best career choices possible. I appreciate their professionalism, knowledge, and commitment to serve students. Employment Trends Update Second, the conference planners have offered top-notch conference programming. One speaker, the Executive Director of NALP , spoke about the legal employment market here and here . I've tracked the trends myself here , here , here , here , here , here , and here . I'll provide an update on that topic, based on this presentation, when I get back to Grundy. One s...