Advice for Solo Practitioners

Keeping Track of Good Advice Several of the bloggers I follow write on solo practice. I want to start aggregating their advice in one of my posts. So, here I go: 20 Law Practice Empowerment Tips by Peggy Greunke. Product Development for Lawyers by Carolyn Elefant. Lead Management: 3 Steps to Slash Your No-Show Rate by Steven Fairley. On Building a Digital Law Library by Jean P. O'Grady. The 12 Best Legal Marketing Tips from 2014 by Steven Fairley. Last Minute Guide to 2014's Best New Books for Content Marketers by Roger C. Parker. You are Better Off Having Experts Manage WordPress Hosting Environment by Kevin O'Keefe. Law Firms Assume Known and Unknown Risks in Operating WordPress Blogs by Kevin O'Keefe. The 12 Best Legal Marketing Lessons from 2014: #9. Why Aren’t Lawyers Getting Paid? by Stephen Fairley. New crowdfunding site helps individuals raise money for legal fees by Martha Neil. Podcast # 3: Carol Elefant on Advan...