Iran's Regional Ambitions

Iran's Islamic Revolution at 40 Regional Cooperation: Prospects and Challenges By Dr. Kamal Kharazi Last night, I attended a lecture sponsored by the Al Jazeera Centre for Studies . I have attended prior programs offered by the Centre and found them intellectually stimulating. They always offer points of view I have seldom heard in the West. I have blogged about them in a series of posts beginning here . The invited guest, Dr. Kamal Kharazi , Chair of the Strategic Council on Foreign Relations of Iran, gave a lecture followed by a brief question and answer period at the Sheraton Hotel in Doha, Qatar. The moderator introduced Dr. Kharazi as an "insider" to the Iranian Revolution . That revolution celebrates its 40th anniversary in 2019. He spoke in English from prepare remarks. Before I start, I want to note that I am working from my notes and apologize in advance if my summary contains any errors or misstatements. I am h...