ASL Student Organizations

Opportunities to Serve the School, the Community, and the Profession This week, we held a bar-b-que that gave student organizations an opportunity to recruit members. I profiled all, or nearly all, of ASL's student organizations in a series of posts beginning in August 31, 2013 that continued through October 2013. They are: Pro Bono Legal Service Providers: Court Appointed Special Advocates ( CASA ) VITA Tax Services ( VITA ) Great Eastern Trail Project ( GET ) Law Journals: Appalachian Journal of Law ( AJoL ) Appalachian Natural Resources Law Journal ( ANRLJ ) Student Government: Student Bar Association (SBA) Legislative Branch Executive Branch Standing Committees Honor Court Legal Fraternities: Blackwell Inn Phi Delta Phi ( PDP ) Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity, International ( PAD ) Focus on Substantive Law: ADR Society Criminal Law Society ( CLS ) Education Law Society ( ELS ) Energ...