Countdown to Qatar: Letting Go of Pork

My Farewell to a Staple Food I recently described myself as a bacon-eating Buddhist. I know. The contradiction is not lost on me. I grew up in the Midwest, the granddaughter of Illinois farmers on both sides of the family. As kids, we would often visit the Drinkwater family farm located outside Virginia, Illinois. The pig sty was not too far from Grandma Drinkwater's back stoop. Perhaps that made it easier to "slop" the pigs. Their sharp hooves dug up the mud, creating a squishy mud wallow . (You would like the definition of wallow.) They would . . . well, wallow in it, much to our delight. Sometimes, the pigs would lie up next to the wire fence. We could reach our little fingers through the wire to rub their mud-caked hide that was covered in bristles. We watched their snouts probe the air and then the mud. We laughed at their squeals and snuffles. Pigs! Later, out under the huge trees over in the side yard, sit...