Manifesting Change

"Calling it In from the Universe" As part of my goal setting process at the beginning of this year, I reviewed the materials I assembled during my three entrepreneurial coaching programs offered by Christine Kane . One of her workbook tools asked me to answer this question: "What will you have created/manifested/attracted in the upcoming year? The tool asked me to list ten things. I must have filled out this "intention and clarity" tool during the February 2015 retreat in Asheville, North Carolina. At that time, I had applied for the job at Qatar University, but I did not have a job offer. I had visited Dubai in December 2014, and I knew I wanted a job in the Arab Gulf region. Here is what I put on the list: New circle of close colleagues. New circle of expat friends. Inroads into Qatari culture. Travel in Asia. New fitness level. New home furnishings. New car, New student relationships. New diet. More cultural life. So let me ...