Qatar is Flattening the Curve through Testing, Quarantine, Travel Limitations, and Social Distancing

While Western Countries see COVID-19 Cases Overwhelming Healthcare Systems and the Death Toll Rising Safer in Doha. That's what I say almost every day. As a potentially high-risk vector for the COVID-19 virus and one of 40,000 people from the US living in Qatar, I have followed closely the spread of the virus east from Wuhan to the Middle East, to Europe, and then to the United States. Sitting in the center of that geographic expanse, I have used Facebook to share information with my family and friends in the US. But, until the last two weeks, the significance of that news may have escaped some of them. Most often, I have shared the timely interventions taken by Qatar to keep its citizens and residents safe and healthy. As one of the richest countries in the world on a per capita basis, it has significant financial resources and well-educated government officials. Together, it has allowed government officials to respond quickly t...