Week 7: Mid-Term Exams Required Some Flexibility on My Part

Best-Laid Plans of Mice and Men . . . . This week, I had planned to take students through a second CREAC exercise to get them ready for the CREAC Test later in the week. I wrote a new exercise that was more similar to the problem the students would analyze on the test. They would apply Qatari trade name and trademark law to two restaurants using a very similar trade name: "The Oryx Diner" and "The Oryx Diner on-the-Go." At the beginning of the week, I ran through about 50 of the slides I had prepared. Before you gasp in horror, please know that 50 percent of each slide is a photo or other image. I still had about 20 more slides to discuss before students would feel more confident about the CREAC Test. In the meantime, many of the students had four or more exams this week. They were feeling overwhelmed, over-worked, and a little hopeless. Because of some scheduling issues, students in my afternoon class had exams scheduled du...